Iceland Part 2 – The 66th Parallel North

by sebastien on June 4, 2012

Iceland, Highway This is the very last post of images from our trip in the summer of 2010. It took me a long time (almost two years!) to finally complete all the editing and publishing of these images, and I'm glad to be able to put it behind me and look forward to new adventures. Click on through to see the pictures and some notes from my wonderful wife Sejin. [smelltu til að halda áfram…]

The Originals 2012

by sebastien on June 4, 2012

The Originals 2012

This year I was honoured to have the opportunity to help photograph The Originals 2012 along side the very talented Kelly Lawson. What an incredible night! After you take a look through these images, I suggest you take a look at the list of finalists (and winners) of The Original Awards on Judith Mackin's website, here and the official wrap up post here showing more images by yours truly and Kelly Lawson.

To learn more about the event, please visit the official website here or the facebook page here.

And now, onto the photos!

[click to continue…]

Iceland Part 1 – The Proposal

May 15, 2012
Thumbnail image for Iceland Part 1 – The Proposal

We couldn’t stop honking at the sheep while driving. Why? Because if one sheep runs away the whole herd start to run! It was hilarious! -Sejin

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Frankfurt and Mainz, Germany

May 8, 2012
Thumbnail image for Frankfurt and Mainz, Germany

My first step back into the Western world after having spent 18 months in Asia.

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Photography Exhibit Now Open

April 29, 2012
Thumbnail image for Photography Exhibit Now Open

It took a lot of planning and a lot of work, but the show is now finally open to the public.

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New Delhi

April 25, 2012
Thumbnail image for New Delhi

I don’t have too much to say about New Delhi, and I also don’t have many pictures to share. The attractions weren’t as magical or impressive as in Agra or Varanasi, but it was still fascinating simply to watch the people go about their business. I think the most interesting part about New Delhi was […]

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Agra and Taj Mahal

April 25, 2012
Thumbnail image for Agra and Taj Mahal

I never imagined I would have the opportunity to visit one of the architectural wonders of the world, Taj Mahal, but since the city in which it resides, Agra, was on our train path from Varanasi to New Delhi, we thought it would silly not to take the day and explore this city. The city […]

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Varanasi – Along the Ganges River

April 18, 2012
Thumbnail image for Varanasi – Along the Ganges River

Varanasi was the first city we visited in India. It was my first time in India, and although Sejin had been to India a few times before, it was her first time in Varanasi. It’s hard to describe in words what the experience is like, but hopefully the pictures will help. Please click through to […]

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September 2, 2011
Thumbnail image for Kathmandu

In the middle of our trip we visited Kathmandu. It’s the largest city in Nepal with approximately one million people. When we visited, the city was fairly stable and safe. We were worried as there have been some unrest there in the past. But, there were still some issues. The biggest of which was the […]

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Monique and Graeme – Engagement

July 17, 2011
Thumbnail image for Monique and Graeme – Engagement

I wasn’t planning on photographing any weddings solo this year, but I made an exception for a friend of mine. Monique and I went to elementary school together and stayed in touch since. Her fiancé Graeme and I have never met, but I got along well with him right away. Their date is set for […]

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