I know, I know... It's been a long while since I've posted on this blog, I'm sorry! I won't give any excuses, I'll just get right back into posting, deal?
Over a month ago my favourite KPS electrician, Mr. Heo, Joon Gil invited me out to a tradition Korean meal with another KPS worker you might know, Mr. Lee, Sang Won. I've heard of Korean restaurants serving octopus that would be cooked live, right in front of you, and I tried to tell Mr. Heo that's what I wanted to experience... There was a little misunderstanding there, haha. Click the link to read about it...
He picked a restaurant in the small town near our apartment complex. I don't think he's ever been to this restaurant, but he made a good choice. It was clean, quiet, and had good service and great food. One interesting thing about this restaurant is that instead of sitting on the floor directly, or using tables and chairs, they used something kind of in between. The rooms had raised floors, but with a cut out underneath the table so you didn't have to cross your legs. And they had seat backs that would just sit on the floor, perfect!!
(Sang Won with his perpetual smile)
They ordered the meal, and after a short while the dishes started coming in. It was crazy the amount of food on the table, and it seemed like it would never stop coming! once one dish was finished on the table, it would be replaced with something else, an endless supply of food. It was great!
Here's a 1 minute video showing some of the food coming out, and the traditional way to serve drinks in Korea, always have someone else serve your drink for you. I really like that cultural difference, I think it brings people closer together, and shows respect.
So the food kept coming out, and the drinks kept pouring. I was getting stuffed and buzzed. Things were good! Then one of the dishes that comes out kind of surprises me, because it's still moving. Haha... In the dish are thick cut up tentacles of an octopus that was in one piece only minutes prior. And like a worm, they are still moving and wiggling about, and you're supposed to eat them like that! Well, I'm game for anything...
The key when eating this food is to chew, and chew fast.. haha. The suckers on these tentacles are still quite functional, and you wouldn't want it to latch to the inside if your throat, would you? It's hard to get the tentacles off the dish too, since the suckers adhere pretty well to the smooth surface, so being crafty with the chopsticks helps.
We had a lot of great food that night.. Cooked squid, raw beef, lots of raw fish (sashimi), whole cooked fish, stuffed crustaceans, chicken soup, some fruit dishes, kimchi, etc. etc. Here are some pictures of the food:
(Why bother gutting the fish when you can just cook it whole?)
After the meal, we stumbled over to another bar for some more food (crazy!!) and drinks. We were all pretty buzzed at this point, just chatting and having a good time. After that, Mr. Heo used a driver service, where you hire someone to drive you and your car back to your place, where he would get picked up by another driver. A good way to get home safe, and still have your car with you for the next day.
Sang Won has since left KPS for some new opportunities. He'll be moving to a city closer to Seoul, and we'll miss him! A few Friday's ago we went out with him to celebrate his new job, I got pretty liquored that night.. haha.
That's it for now! I should be posting soon about some other things, stay tuned.
Take care :)
(Note: This blog post was imported from my old blogger site to this new WordPress blog.)